Gao Zhonghong is the professor of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. His research interest focuses on the relationship between biological trace element iron and reactive oxygen species (ROS) & reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These researches including the study on the conditions of heme and heme-protein complexes catalized NO2--H2O2 nitrating protein tyrosine residues, identification of nitrated proteins in iron overload animal tissues and inhibitory effects of nature products and iron chelating agents. These researches will help to understand the molecular mechanisms of some diseases such as neurodegenerative disease, diabetes mellitus and liver injury. As a first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 30 papers in peer reviewed international journals such as PNAS, Free radic Biol Med, Chem Res Toxicol, etc, and these papers have got more than 700 citations. Gao teaches some courses such as Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Experiments and General Chemistry for undergraduate students. |
[1]Huang Y, Shuai Y, Li H, Gao Z*. Tyrosine residues play an important role in heme detoxification by serum albumin. BBA- Gen. 2014, 1840(3):970-6 [2]Yuan C, Gao Z*. Ab interacts with both the iron center and the porphyrin ring of heme: mechanism of heme’s action on Ab aggregation and disaggregation. Chem Res Toxicol. 2013, 26(2):262-9. [3]Tu M, Abbood H., Zhu Z, Li H, Gao Z*. Investigation of the photocatalytic effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of nitrite. J Hazard Matter. 2013, 244-245: 311-321. [4]Yuan C, Li H, Gao Z*. Amyloid beta modulated the selectivity of heme-catalyzed protein tyrosine nitration: an alternative mechanism for selective protein nitration. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2012, 17(7): 1083-1091 [5]Yuan C, Yi L, Yang Z, Deng Q, Huang Y, Li H, Gao Z*. Amyloid-beta-heme peroxidase promoted protein nitrotyrosination: relevance to widespread protein nitration in Alzheimer’s disease. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2012, 17(2):197-207. [6]Lu N, Zhang Y, Li H, Gao Z*. Oxidative and nitrative modifications of alpha-enolase in cardiac proteins from diabetic rats. Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 48(7):873-881 [7]Zhang Y, Lu N, Gao Z*. Hemin-H2O2-NO2- induced protein oxidation and tyrosine nitration is different from that of SIN-1: A study on glutamate dehydrogenase nitrative/oxidative modification. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2009, 41(4):907-15. [8]Lu N, Zhang M, Li H, Gao Z*, Completely different effects of desferrioxamine on hemin/nitrite/H2O2-induced bovine serum albumin nitration and oxidation. Chem Res Toxicol. 2008, 21(6), 1229–1234. [9]Bian K#, Gao Z#, Weisbrodt N and Murad F*. The nature of Hemin/iron–induced protein tyrosine nitration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2003, 100(10):5712-7 (# Equally contributed to this paper) [10]Gao Z, Huang K, Yang X, Xu H*. Free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of flavonoids extracted from the radix of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1999, 1472(3): 643-650. |