Professor of Biomedicine Engineering

Email: qwang@hust.edu.cn

Academic Areas: Nano/micro-materials for biomedicine

As a professor in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Qin Wang have done some researches on biomedical materials for more than ten years, including developing multifunctional nano/micro-materials for drug delivery and interventional therapy for tumor. She focuses on questions such as: how to control the drug release on-demand at a tumor site?  How to enhance the efficacy of the interventional therapy? How to improve the anti-tumor immunologic response? Therefore, various smart microgels/nanogels/hydrogels, hybrid nano-in-micro microspheres and related advanced preparation technologies such as droplet-based microfluidics have been developed in her lab. She also interests in hydrogels for tissue engineering and environment and so on. These works have been published in the important scholarly journals in materials and chemistry. So far, she has executed several science foundation including National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province and innovative foundation of HUST. She has also been honored outstanding teaching quality awards. Research interests include: intelligent nanodrug delivery system, multifunctional embolic materials, tumor immunotherapy and decellularized heart valve scaffolds.

Academic Degrees


Ph. D. in Biomedical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China.


M.S. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics, HUST, Wuhan, China.


Applied Chemistry, HUST, Wuhan, China.

Professional Experience


Professor in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HUST


Associate professor in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HUST


Visiting scholar in Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, WA, USA


Lecturer in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HUST, Wuhan, China


Assistant in Department of Chemistry, HUST, Wuhan, China


Assistant Engineer, Wuhan Heavy Casting & Forging Company, Wuhan, China

Courses Taught

1.Experiments of Inorganic Chemistry

2.Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

3.Basic Chemistry

Awards and Honors


Outstanding teaching quality award


Outstanding teaching quality award


Guanghua award of HUST


Excellent undergraduate student award of HUST


Outstanding correspondent of HUST

Selected Patents

1.Q. Wang, X. L. Yang, Y. J. Yang, G. S. Feng, et al. Thermosensitive nanogels dispersion as an endovascular embolic material. Chinese Invention Paten, ZL 2006 1 0124539.3

2.Q. Wang, S. S. Liu, Y. J. Yang, X. L. Yang. A method for preparation of spherical calcium alginate microparticles. Chinese Invention Paten, ZL 201510174751.X

3.L. Gan, Q. Wang, X. Yang, H. Yang, F. Li. Charge reversal and intracellular redox-responsive nanogel used as carrier in nano-electrolyte drug delivery system, comprises free radical polymerizable monomer, zwitterionic monomer, amine-based monomer and crosslinking agent, Chinese Invention Paten, ZL 2017100069354.

4.Q. Wang, Q. Zou, Y. J. Yang, X. L. Yang, et al. Alginated microspheres encapsulated Bi2S3 nanoparticles and their preparation method. ZL 201810468687.X.

Selected Publications

[1]M. Fan, L. Jia, M. Pang, X. Yang, Y. Yang, S. Kamel Elyzayatí, Y. Liao, H. Wang, Y. Zhu*, Q. Wang*. Injectable adhesive hydrogel as photothermal-derived antigen reservoir for enhanced anti-tumor immune. Adv Funct Mater, 2021, 31, 2010587.

[2]A. Zheng†, D. Wu†, M. Fan†, H. Wang, Y. Liao, Q. Wang*, Y. Yang. Injectable zwitterionic thermosensitive hydrogel with low-protein adsorption and combined effect of photothermal-chemotherapy. J Mater Chem B, 2020, 8 (46), 10637-10649. (†These authors contributed equally to this work).

[3]L. Jia, M. Pang, M. Fan, X. Tan, Y. Wang, M. Huang, Y. Liu, Q. Wang*, Y. Zhu*, X. Yang. A pH-responsive pickering nanoemulsion for specified spatial delivery of immune checkpoint inhibitor and chemotherapy agent to tumors. Theranostics, 2020, 10(22), 9956-9969.

[4]F. Hou†, Y. Zhu†, Q. Zou, C Zhang, H Wang, Y Liao, Q. Wang*, X. Yang, Y. Yang. One-step preparation of multifunctional alginate microspheres loading in situ-formed gold nanostars as a photothermal agent. Mater Chem Frontiers, 2019, 3, 2018-2024.

[5]Q. Zou, F. Hou, H. Wang, Y. Liao, Q. Wang*, Y. Yang. Microfluidic one-step preparation of alginate microspheres encapsulated with in situ-formed bismuth sulfide nanoparticles and their photothermal effect. Eur Polym J, 2019, 115, 282-289. 

[6]H. Yang†, Q. Wang†, Z. Li, F. Li, D. Wu, M. Fan, A. Zheng, B. Huang, L. Gan*, Y. Zhao*, X. Yang*. Hydrophobicity-adaptive nanogels for programmed anticancer drug delivery. Nano Lett, 2018, 18, 7909-7918.

[7]Q. Wang†, A. Xiao†, Y. Liu†, Q. Zou, Q. Zhou, H. Wang, X. Yang, C. Zheng*, Y. Yang*, Y. Zhu*. One-step preparation of nano-in-micro poly(vinyl alcohol) embolic microspheres and used for dual-modal T1/T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Nanomed-Nanotechnol, 2018, 14, 2551-2561.

[8]F. Li†, H. Yang†, N. Bie, Q. Xu, T. Yong, Q. Wang*, L. Gan*, X. Yang.  Zwitterionic temperature/redox-sensitive nanogels for near-infrared light-triggered synergistic thermo-chemotherapy. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2017, 9 (28), 23564-23573.

[9]Q. Wang*, S. S. Liu, F. Yang, L. Gan, X. L. Yang, Y. J. Yang*. Magnetic alginate microspheres detected by MRI fabricated using microfluidic technique and release behavior of encapsulated dual drugs. Int J Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 4335-4347.

[10]H. Yang†, Q. Wang†, S. Huang†, A. Xiao, F. Li, L. Gan, X. Yang. Smart pH/redox dual-responsive nanogels for on-demand intracellular anticancer drug release. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2016, 8(12), 7729-7738.

[11]Q. Wang, S. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Yang. In situ pore-forming alginate hydrogel beads loaded with in situ formed nano-silver and their catalytic activity. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2016, 18, 12610-12615.

[12]J. Zhou, H. Y. Luo, Q. Wang*, L. Chen, T. C. Zhang, T. Tao. Magnetic thermoresponsive ionic nanogels as novel draw agents in forward osmosis. RSC Adv, 2015, 5(20), 15359-15365.

[13]H. Yang†, Q. Wang†, W. Chen, Y. B. Zhao, T. Y. Yong, L. Gan*, H. B. Xu, X. L. Yang. Hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity reversable and redox-sensitive nanogels for anticancer drug delivery. Mol Pharmaceut, 2015, 12 (5), 1636-1647.

[14]Q. Wang†, K. Qian†, S. S. Liu, Y. J. Yang, B. Liang, C. S. Zheng, X. L. Yang, H. B. Xu, A. Q. Shen. X-ray visible and uniform alginate microspheres loaded with in situ synthesized BaSO4 nanoparticles for in vivo transcatheter arterial embolization. Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16(4), 1240-1246.

[15]Q. Wang, S. S. Liu, H. Wang, J. T. Zhu, Y. J. Yang. Alginate droplets pre-crosslinked in microchannels to prepare monodispersed spherical microgels. Colloid Surface A. Physicochem Eng Aspects, 2015, 482, 371-377.

[16]Q. Wang, X. Xiao, Y. Hu, H. Wang, Y. Yang. Reinforcement of phenylalanine-based supramolecular hydrogels by hybridizing poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanogels. RSC Adv, 2014, 4(43), 22380-22386.

[17]Q. Wang, D. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Xu, A. Shen, Y. Yang. Atom-economical in situ synthesis of BaSO4 as imaging contrast agents within poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels using one-step droplet microfluidics. Green Chem, 2013, 15(8), 2222-2229.

[18]Q. Wang, D. Zhang, H. Xu, X. Yang, A.Q. Shen, Y. Yang. Microfluidic one-step fabrication of radiopaque alginate microgels with in situ synthesized barium sulfate nanoparticles. Lab Chip, 2012, 12(22), 4781-4786.

© 2021 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Address: Chemistry Building, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan ,China 
Postcode: 430074